Pamela's CV
Pamela works in several media. Her work is informed by Australian history (particularly involving stories relating to her ancestors the Liardets), social justice and the Australian bush. She has been represented in numerous Australian/International art prizes and solo and group exhibitions.
Short Listing for Art Prizes
Women’s Art Prize, Tas (2020)
The Glover Prize, Tas (2019)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2019, 2 works selected)
Mission to Seafarers Art Prize, Docklands, Vic (2018)
UTAS First Years Art Exhibition, Launceston, (2018)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2017)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2016)
Tasmanian Art Award, Tas (2016)
Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of NSW, (2012)
Create to Advocate, Parliament House, Canberra (2008), (Honourable Mention)
Solo Exhibitions
Big Island - Little Island, Blenheim Gallery, Tas (2022)
Life in the Bush, The Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2021)
Otherworldliness, Cradle Mountain Wilderness Gallery, Tas (2019)
Moving On, Sawtooth ARI Gallery, Launceston, Tas, (2017)
So Far From Country, Sawtooth ARI, Launceston, Tas (2016)
Near and Far, Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2016)
Van Dieman’s Land to Port Phillip, Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2015)
Adventuring with the Liardets, ARB Gallery, Gasworks, Melbourne (2014)
Selected Group Exhibitions
Floating Islands (with Jane Giblin), The Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2022)
Floating Islands (with Jane Giblin), The Cradle Mountain Wilderness Gallery, Tas (2021)
Artworks by Poatina Artists, The Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2020)
Women’s Art Prize, Tas (2020)
Water, The Poatina Tree Gallery, Tas (2020)
Those Creative Liardets, Port Melbourne Town Hall Gallery, Vic (2019)
Collective Chemistry, Blenheim Gallery, Tas (2019)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2019, 2 works selected)
The Glover Prize, Tas (2019)
Mission to Seafarers Art Prize, Docklands, Vic (2018)
UTAS First Years Art Exhibition, Launceston, (2018)
Powerhouse Art Prize, UTAS, Inveresk, Tas (2018)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2017)
Worldview Creative Arts Competition, Launceston, Tas, (2017), (Special Mention)
Bay of Fires Art Prize, Tas (2016)
Tasmanian Art Award, Eskleigh, Tas, (2016) (Special mention)
Executed in Franklin Street, City Gallery, Melbourne Town Hall, (2016) (Guest artist)
Emerge (Albert Hall, Launceston, Tas, 2014)
Emerge, Interactive Installation, City Park, Launceston, Tas, (2014)
Heart Beat, M16, Canberra (2013)
Something about Canberra, M16, Canberra, (2013)
Ten, Watson Gallery, Canberra (2012)
Art of Resistance, Annandale Arts Centre, Sydney (2012)
Create to Advocate, Parliament House, Canberra, (2008), (Honourable Mention)
Selected Arts Related Training
Bachelor of Fine Arts/honours, UTAS (Launceston, Tasmania), Current
Field trip with Idris Murphy and Ross Laurie (Fowler’s Gap, NSW), (2017)
Bronze sculpture, Strathnairne, Canberra, (2013)
Various drawing and painting classes, ANU, ACT (1990s)